Saturday, December 17, 2011

Merry Christmas Memories

I was getting ready for work this morning, and as I scanned the living room, I saw the gifts spread across the room, and thought to myself that the girls got a little crazy this year with the presents. They are now both working now, and grown. Somehow we got them through their tweens and teens fairly unscathed.
I don't remember my first Christmas as a married man, but I do remember my first Christmas with our first child. We lived in an apartment, on the first floor. There was an apartment above us and below in an old colonial style house across from the grocery store. Whatever food the people cooked upstairs, the smell drifted down into my clothes closet under the stairs, which was not great, but they did play a lot of good music. They particularly liked the Charlie Brown Christmas album around the holidays, and I am pretty sure Ashton listened to that from before birth wafting down the stairs. She still loves that album, and she and her sister insist that we listen to it every time we put the tree up, even after all these years.
That first Christmas there, our oldest was only a little less than two weeks old, tiny and helpless, laying in the bassinet we moved into the living room. We had a tree that I think my parents gave us with a few meager presents, most if not all toys and clothes for the baby. I was not making much, and Sherry was not working at all at that time. I was working nights at the time, but I actually got Christmas Eve night off. We had gotten back from my parent's house and were just sitting in the dark with a few candles lit. Sherry was holding the baby and Ashton was asleep. The stereo was tuned into a station playing Christmas carols and 'Silent Night' was being sung quietly in the background. We decided to unwrap the gifts while the baby was quiet, and as each one was opened, Sherry showed me each little blanket or toy that she had managed to buy. I think we only got each other one little thing, and I had went to the store where a friend worked and bought a small wooden cat decoration that sat on the edge of a table or window ledge. I think that was the last gift my wife opened, and she sat it on the edge of the table and admired it. We had so little, yet we had so much. A tiny apartment, one car, not enough of anything, but more than enough love.

Saturday, January 01, 2011

In With The New

I hate change. I just left 2010 behind, and there were some thing I just was not done with.

I did not get to say proper goodbye to my dog. I hope he is O.K. If I don't think about it too much he is safe somewhere.
I was not really done with the holiday. I really did not get the time to to look at the tree for any length of time, at the lights and the ornaments that we hung up that are contributions from the kids or a memento of a special time or place.
I am not done with my gift giving. I could never give enough to those I love.
I was not really done with the last season, if you want to get technical. I did not have enough time to walk through all the piles of leaves, or drive through all the scenic locations - sip hot cider and chocolate in the autumn chill around a bonfire.
I am pretty sure I missed the last of my tomatoes on my vines out back.
I never did get all of that rock garden finished before Mother Nature decided for me I was done.
Wow, there is a pack of seeds still sitting on the workbench with bright pictures of ripening fruit on it.
Did I mention: I never stained the deck, nor power-washed all the siding, reduced the burn pile, started composting, or did more work on my book?
Oh well, there is always this year.