Thursday, May 24, 2012

Where Have All the Children Gone?

You see the pictures flash across the news screens. A little child sitting at a table, eating cake. Maybe sitting in a kiddie pool with a big smile on their face. Unfortunately, this is not a human interest story, but the latest victim of kidnapping or worse.
Does anyone know what is going on here? I would like to know, or maybe I don't. Especially since the latest perpetrators are possible family members, or even a parent.
Have we blurred the lines so much between fact and fiction;  life and death as scripted on TV and movies that we are so desensitized to what life really is? Are we the backwash from the 'Me' generation, where no one is as important as me myself, not my family, not anyone. It is all about me and what I want. I want to party. I want to have a life. I have this child that is in my way for some reason. I don't have time for it. If I sedate it with this chloroform for a few hours, who will know..wait a minute. She won't wake up...
Where is the child's father? Who knows? Who is responsible? Who is accountable?
Then another child is missing. Another parent is questioned.
Who is the parent? Who is the child? I am a victim myself. I perpetrated this act because of my Mother. Because of my Father..
No, you are responsible.
But you live in a society now where everything is permissible.
Fifty percent of all Americans are now on some form of public aid. I have no responsibilities, no commitments. I can lie on the couch all day and let my children run wild. They are upstairs now watching a video. I have no idea what it is.
The maintenance man is also upstairs working on the ceiling fan. He is actually shocked that such young children are watching this movie, it must be rated at least a hard 'R'. Language to make a sailor blush, yet the children are soaking it all in with glazed over eyes. Anything is better than the reality of the non-responsive lump on the couch downstairs. The man wants to do something, but what? If he says anything, it could be his job if  the lady says something that gets back to the agency supplying her with housing..
When did being a contributing member of society, raising a family,  and creating a feeling of accomplishment fade off the American landscape?
Over eighty years ago, this county had an economic crisis.In 2008, we had another economic crises. What is the difference?
1. Back then they focused on survival. Today we are still focused on self gratification.
2. Families were a tight knit unit. Children moved in with parents and grandparents. Today families are undefined or fractured.
3. There was a strong work ethic. People found things to do for money. Today society is to complicated. It is easier to stay home and collect money, besides, low paying jobs will not pay enough for anything. We can't merely survive anymore. (See item #1).
4.Back then they played music for entertainment or played games like chinese checkers. Or told Ghost stories. Today we  have to have multimedia to be satisfied. The price of one game could feed a family.
5. Staying together as a family was paramount. Today, it is every man for himself.
6. Back then people had hope, despite the trials. They believed in God and country. They worked hard to have a better life for their children and grandchildren. Even if they were not overtly religious, they believed in the moral values taught in Christianity, Today - there is NO moral compass. Every man is right in his own eyes. Hope is gone. There is no chance for a better tomorrow unless I get my way. Until then I will drink up or take prescription medications until I can't remember my name or......where is Molly? She was here playing in the floor a minute ago? Why is the door hanging open? What is that noise....a siren?..