Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Warm Wiki-wishes For Your Holiday

The term "Wikileaks" sounds so cute and harmless. Kind of like a little dog with a bladder control problem.
Unfortunately this is not the case. There are more angles to this than a triple isosceles triangle, and I am going to only touch a little on this issue.
Most folks know by now that the Wikileaks website poured out over 250,000 cables from the US embassy detailing confidential conversations with and about other nations.
I have read debates where some people think that this is a good thing. We need to know what our government us up to. Apparently the people at Wikileaks are proud of the fact that they spilled the beans because it is on their home page along with other items they have leaked.
My little opinion may or may not be shaded by my own political views, but I would like to put this issue to a little test.
We already know WHAT happened: information was leaked detailing that, yes North Korea and China helped Iran with their nuclear program; Russia is not really our friend; and Saudi Arabia is a principle supporter of Al Qaeda. (GASP!) Really? Didn't we already know this stuff?
Why was this leaked out now? Let's look at some things. The Democrats are not very happy with the President right now. He just sided with the Republicans on extending the dreaded Bush tax cuts. Most of the leaked information has to do with the current administration, not the past, making it look bad. Re-affirming the fact that the GOVERNMENT CANNOT BE TRUSTED.
Let's also look on the flip-side of this, looking at the Wikileaks standpoint. They leak information. Will they get in much trouble?
Let's see, the editor, Mr. Assange, has been arrested. But hold on. This is not for leaking government information. This is for an alleged rape incident involving two women. Look that one up on your own, it is mind-boggling. It also says quite a bit about his character.
At what point can someone hack into your own private communication and publish it under the freedom of information act? This must be stopped!
Which brings up the question of WHEN:
What else is happening now.. Let's see. Isn't there something out there about the FCC considering the Net neutrality - REGULATING THE INTERNET. What a coincidence.
Could this all be about CONTROL?
Is this to gain the control of the media and cable from the big capitalists and totally divest it under government control? Can you spell S-o-c-i-a-l-i-s-m?
May your day be merry and bright.

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