Thursday, September 09, 2010

Burn, Baby Burn

I was going to stay out of this, but now I am incensed by our President and the world's reaction to the burning of the Quran that will supposedly take place this Saturday, September 11, the anniversary of the World Trade Center Bombing.

The pastor in Florida, Terry Clark of the Dove Center, who is still planning the Quran burning according to published reports, might be a little radical, and may be a 'kook', I have no idea.

However; he has as much right to burn that book as anyone in the world, in my opinion, considering how the Christian world is treated today:

FACT: Thousands of Christian Bibles were burned in Afghanistan by our own troops in May 2009 because the current administration's concern over 'converted' Afghans. Look it up - it is on the Internet all over the place.

FACT: Crosses and Bibles are being burnt every day in the Gaza strip by Muslims who are terrorizing Christians there.

FACT: In August of this year, Muslim students in Australia - urinated on, spat on, and burnt
Bibles there at a school camp.

Where is the outcry? Where is the news coverage? It is ignored, of course, in this double-standard society we have. Where was the President when all of this happened? Yet he has deemed this act by one church in Florida worthy of a press conference to protect his beloved Quran.

Today there are a bunch of Muslims on all the news channels jumping up and down, outraged because their "holy" book is being desecrated. So??....join the crowd. I see my beliefs and moral system being picked apart more and more every day in "Amerika"

Burn, baby burn.

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