Friday, July 02, 2010

The Blame Game

I am so tired of the hypocracy of everyone involved in the BP oil disaster. From the seemed indifference from the "suits" at BP, to the ranting environmentalists, it just makes me cringe.

It does not help when you have a president who so thouroughly criticised the previous administration for the Katrina debaucle, and then waits days before making any kind of meaningful statement about the oil spill.

I am not happy with BP, but people cannot totally villify something that happened as an accident. It is dumb that they did not have better safeguards, true. But if people realized how many other companies are in the same boat with their computer systems, or power grids - or what have you - they probably could not sleep at night. I can't count how many companies I have been associated with that had a "Disaster Plan" that looked good on paper, but in practice would resemble a three-ring circus.

And I am tired of news reports showing people with apparently nothing else to do walking along the beach and saying "I'm mad about the oil balls"......"or the birds"......"or that I might have to slash the price of my condo now" can fill in the blank.. And not to mention the idiots that are boycotting BP. Really? Do you realize the only person you are hurting is the poor local slob who owns the gas station? BP has so many investiments in other things, and other oil users and resellers, that they couldn't care less what you do.

So now this is stretching out forever...Everyone has a solution while the gallons of oil pour out. I don't know what the answer is, but I am not going to go around pointing fingers when the problem is ALL of us.


Anonymous said...

Gosh yes! If we would stop being so greedy and wasteful... It's our demand that drives the drilling. I wish we were all more Amish.

Good post JimBob!

Unknown said...

Totally agree, Brother of mine!