Saturday, January 01, 2011

In With The New

I hate change. I just left 2010 behind, and there were some thing I just was not done with.

I did not get to say proper goodbye to my dog. I hope he is O.K. If I don't think about it too much he is safe somewhere.
I was not really done with the holiday. I really did not get the time to to look at the tree for any length of time, at the lights and the ornaments that we hung up that are contributions from the kids or a memento of a special time or place.
I am not done with my gift giving. I could never give enough to those I love.
I was not really done with the last season, if you want to get technical. I did not have enough time to walk through all the piles of leaves, or drive through all the scenic locations - sip hot cider and chocolate in the autumn chill around a bonfire.
I am pretty sure I missed the last of my tomatoes on my vines out back.
I never did get all of that rock garden finished before Mother Nature decided for me I was done.
Wow, there is a pack of seeds still sitting on the workbench with bright pictures of ripening fruit on it.
Did I mention: I never stained the deck, nor power-washed all the siding, reduced the burn pile, started composting, or did more work on my book?
Oh well, there is always this year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Time just moves too swiftly for us old folks, dont it? I feel the same...I'm not ready yet! But no time like the present...and keep moving forward, right? Happy New Year Jim...and just think, what a great to-do list you have started for 2011. :)
