Friday, July 03, 2009

Cap-and-Trade Bill - Wrong Time for This

As we all know, the House passed this bill, and it is coming up in the Senate.

Look, we all want to go greener, and I think that some day we need to get off fossil fuels and standard forms of electricity. However, this is NOT the time.

With this bill, I as a consumer, will ultimately be penalized financially because I use gas, coal, and electricity with a pollution tax that does nothing to decrease pollution, but makes the pollution I create more expensive.

What choice do I have?? It is not like I can put a windmill in my backyard or install solar panels on my existing house - I cannot afford that!! If these alternative sources of energy were available to me at a non-cost prohibitive way - possibly you could penalize me, but don't you dare tax me and businesses on something that is going to put burden on us, and probably kill a lot more jobs than these 'green' jobs that will supposedly be created. We can scarcely afford more taxes and higher utility costs that this bill will create.

According to Congressmen Tim Johnson R-IL, the agriculture segment would also suffer, increasing the cost of producing corn from $49 to $79 an acre. The USDA has an offset program for this, but it would only slightly improve the numbers.

Someone somewhere got this pie-in-the-sky idea that gee we need to make the world better without consideration that we are just not there yet, or more probably, the government is trying to force everyone to bow to its will, no matter how misguided. It is already trying to take over every aspect of our lives. Who ever thought a president would just take over a company and effectively become the CEO? How did we let this happen?

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