Thursday, August 13, 2009

MSNBC and The Cartoon Network


I have been away for awhile contemplating the meaning of life. Actually, it has just been a busy summer. I have had a garden crisis, an employment crisis, and at least a couple of personal issues since I was last on here..More on these later...

Getting to my topic, I was channel surfing the other night, and stumbled on Chris Matthews with some talking head in a quandry about why Fox News has such a large audience...Well, they reasoned, it is because more people watch it "continuously", not more people watch it as a sum total. I think I listened to it for five minutes more before I switched channels. Gee Fox actually had NEWS on instead of people on there wondering why their relevance is shrinking faster than Obama's popularity. The liberals on MSNBC just can't get their minds around the fact that Fox is more in touch with how the general population feels, without popping the clutch on their paradigm shift. They have wandered so far out of the galaxy, they are more like an old Star Trek episode (Its' dead, Jim) than a news program.

I think I find more reality on the 'Squidbillies' than I do on the spinned up mainstream media. At least the Sheriff tries to instill pearls of wisdom with each episode...

Friday, July 10, 2009

We Are Not Amused

Just got twittered by "Barak Obama" (I'm so sure..) on Twitter, and I am a little disturbed as I was commanded by my "leader" to contact my congressmen now to approve his "three step plan" for health care reform.

1. There was no explanation what this plan is, nor a link for an explanation.
2. The tone was very "you do this because I say so".
3. When going to link where the "zombie", I mean person, is supposed to contact Washington Reps, it stated exactly what I was supposed to say, giving me implicit instructions to hang up and immediately report back to them what was said. This is just a little bit too "Big Brother" - ish for my taste. I think I saw this scripted conversation once before in some James Bond movie with Russian intelligence..


Thursday, July 09, 2009

My Oh My

I just read today that upstate they were removing people from their graves and reselling the plots. Like - did they think no one would notice that Gradma had been moved? That is almost as bad as burning the bodies and reusing the caskets over and over as new (yes this has been done)

There is personal violation in the extreme with this, requiring special punishment. I will let you know when I think of something.

The "ick" factor on this one is pretty high as well..

Wow my lunch just arrived...

Friday, July 03, 2009

Cap-and-Trade Bill - Wrong Time for This

As we all know, the House passed this bill, and it is coming up in the Senate.

Look, we all want to go greener, and I think that some day we need to get off fossil fuels and standard forms of electricity. However, this is NOT the time.

With this bill, I as a consumer, will ultimately be penalized financially because I use gas, coal, and electricity with a pollution tax that does nothing to decrease pollution, but makes the pollution I create more expensive.

What choice do I have?? It is not like I can put a windmill in my backyard or install solar panels on my existing house - I cannot afford that!! If these alternative sources of energy were available to me at a non-cost prohibitive way - possibly you could penalize me, but don't you dare tax me and businesses on something that is going to put burden on us, and probably kill a lot more jobs than these 'green' jobs that will supposedly be created. We can scarcely afford more taxes and higher utility costs that this bill will create.

According to Congressmen Tim Johnson R-IL, the agriculture segment would also suffer, increasing the cost of producing corn from $49 to $79 an acre. The USDA has an offset program for this, but it would only slightly improve the numbers.

Someone somewhere got this pie-in-the-sky idea that gee we need to make the world better without consideration that we are just not there yet, or more probably, the government is trying to force everyone to bow to its will, no matter how misguided. It is already trying to take over every aspect of our lives. Who ever thought a president would just take over a company and effectively become the CEO? How did we let this happen?

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Reality TV

Poor Jon and Kate, I guess they don't make eight anymore. What do you expect from two adults that have turned into spoiled little brats themselves with all the green they have raked in from their so-called reality show??

I would not watch that drivel if it was the last show on earth, and you had a bazooka aimed at my head. The bazooka would actually be a relief if I had to watch the constant nagging and pouting on that show.

If you want to watch reality TV, I suggest you watch something on the other channels like 'Swamp Loggers' or 'Deadliest Catch', where the drama is real, and not some convoluted crap like 'Housewives of St. Olaf'....I am not sure what the issue is with TLC and BRAVO.

I feel nothing but pity for the men on the 'Housewives' series. They seem to be led about in a trance-like state, while their collagen injected Stepford wives (without the personality upgrades) mince and prance around looking for their misplaced youth - while ripping each other to shreds.

I know most of it is because I am a man, and see no value in these shows whatsoever. For example, I run when I even get a hint that some lady is about to go into labor on TLC. Who on earth wants to watch that? Being there for the birth of my own kids was more reality than I actually wanted!

I never said I was politically correct..

Thursday, June 18, 2009

What is With the Weather Channel?

I am looking at the TV at work now as little children and hapless adults sit among the debris......Did a tornado just strike? No.....
It is just the weather channel replaying footage of tornadoes forming and touching down over and over and over ad finitum. Is this supposed to titillate me in some way? Are they trying to unsettle me since I am mid-westerner in 'tornado alley'? I am still trying to figure this out. Is this supposed to be "Storm Stories"? No, it is not in the correct time slot. It is always tornadoes. Why don't they show more hurricanes or hail storms? I particularly like the winter ones they run where they rescue the hapless man from the river and his pants fall off. If they want to titillate the audience, couldn't they un-blur his body parts when they run this footage? Wouldn't Grandma gasp with shock as she goes running to get her glasses for a better look!
I especially like the one where the cars are all sliding into each other on the ice, and even the drivers get into the action as they slide beside and behind their cars...those are the moments that make life worth living. :)

There Are Two Kinds Of Peoples ( And I Can't Be That Way)

I have finally figured it all out. There are other people, and then there is me. I am not living my life like I could be, selfishly and consumed by my self importance. I guess.

I have been in positions at work and in community before, and I am sorry, I just cannot take myself that seriously, nor believe that my existence on this world stage is some kind of wonderful gift to humanity. The human race owes me nothing.

I have sacrificed my time, and not thought much about it, and depreciated my own efforts in things I have done.

I watch other people, not even one-half as accomplished in the things they have done, and I think to myself , "Are you serious?"

And then I find myself covering for these people, trying to keep whatever working, hopefully.

Then I ask myself later, "Did I do the right thing?"

I realize no matter how I try to show these people that they have some kind of responsibility to others besides themselves, they will never 'get it'.

And I will continue to be the fixer.

Are We Going Down the Tubes?

I really try....I even changed the name of my blog to be less cynical and sarcastic (Also because some guy in Chicago stole my former blog name!! I will get you later!).
I read the news, and it just does not get better....Then I turn to my personal life, and it sucks too. We learned today that there is a salary freeze. Isn't that nice... I think I am going to go to the local supermarket and tell them not to mark up any prices because I am not going to get any kind of raise - Not cost of living, not for high appraisal marks - nothing, nada, squat...
And someone stole my snacks out of the drawer at work...not to mention the tornadic winds I had to endure just to get to work this morning. I saw horizontal rain and hail at the same time and it was just as I was getting ready to pull in...nice.